
Showing posts from December 14, 2008


Chelsey, Jessica, and Ashley Alyssa and Mrs. Velez The 3rd grade shepherds Today was the kids Christmas parties and program at school. Alyssa was a shepherd, looking for a king. Jess, being in the 6th grade was too "old" to participate in the program. Actually, I think that once the kids get to the 6th grade that they're too COOL to participate in the Christmas program! It was a little touch and go there for awhile, though. Two kids in the choir threw up in the middle of church. I was sitting towards the back of the church and the smell was almost enough to make me get up and leave before mass was over. School was let out at 11:30 so we went to visit Nana and Papa for an hour before we left to go to our hair appointments with Judi. Jess and I got our hair cut and Alyssa got her bangs trimmed. We're ready for Christmas now!


I am so tired of the heavy fog that has been hanging around here.....this is the third day of it! It's going to be warmer today, too. Cold weather will be back on Sunday, though. I went to MD Anderson yesterday for my monthly bloodwork and doctor's appointment. Dr. Faderl said my counts are all great and I'll have the molecular test done next month. AND he says that I'll only have to go every month for another 6 months! YEA!!!! Jessica is almost finished with her mid-terms.....only science left today. Alyssa has dress rehearsal today for her Christmas program. Tomorrow are the kids Christmas parties and Christmas program at school for Alyssa. I will be going to help out with the parties and so starts MY Christmas vacation. More tomorrow!

Our Week in a Nutshell..........

There were quite a few things that happened this week that I haven't gotten to blog about yet and a few that I have but bear with me while I mention them again. This post will be a kind of pictorial......our week in pictures! Alyssa's girl scout troop delivered the cookies that they baked last Friday to an Assisted Living Facility for the elderly. I think both the girls and the older people all enjoyed it VERY much. Each person living there received a bag of cookies on their doorknob, made with love! On Wednesday, it snowed for the first time in 4 years and the kids got to play in what little fell at our house but they got to play in a little more while they were still at their Nana and Papa's house right after school. On Thurs day, Jessica got her Letterman's jacket for being in cheerleading. She will also get a patch for being in BETA and she wants to try out for the volleyball team next year and she will be able to get a patch for that too. She'll have that jac...