Time For a Little Catching Up.......

Can you believe that we're already into the middle of February? The kiddos are keeping me extra busy lately. Alyssa has had Girl Scout stuff going on, cookie sales, meetings, science fair, school projects, and she got her braces off....you name it she's doing it. Jessica's 8th grade class has been having fundraisers non-stop all year and we had to pick up and deliver our cookie dough that we sold. On Sunday, we also had to put together our Valentine's packages at the school, which was also an 8th grade fundraiser. Jessica has decided to join the track team at school and is practicing on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays. Both girls still have tumbling on Tuesdays, so Jessica should be one tired girl on Tuesday nights. Sunday was the day before Valentines Day and after Jess and I packed Valentines at the school, we celebrated our Valentines Day a little early. We made beef tenderloin, sauteed spinach and augratin potatoes and Glenn and I drank champagne and the kids drank s...