Time sure flies when you're having fun.......at least that's what most people say. It seems like that's what's been happening lately, and I guess if you really look at it, we are having fun. At least somewhat! It looks like we're barreling on towards the end of the year already. Can't believe that it's already the beginning of October and before we know it, it will be December and we'll be looking the Christmas season right in the face! The backyard is still coming right along. We got the fountain a couple of weeks ago and now we're just working on the landscape bricking around some of the beds. Alyssa is going full swing with her ballet class. Haven't been really successful getting her there on time, but we're still working on that. Hopefully, Monday will be a different story. Alyssa's orthodontist told us at her last appointment that she would have to have four of her baby teeth pulled since they weren't coming out like they were su...