
Showing posts from March 8, 2009

Uh-Oh - Again

We had quite a tumultuous afternoon. I decide to go and be with Jessica when she heard the news of whether or not she made Varsity Cheer. I was met by a roadblock at the school double doors. No one was allowed to go in until the girls came out of the library. Several of the girls came running out smiling but I didn't see Jess in the group, so I knew that it was bad news. We had a few tears, but everything is okay, now. She will get to be on the Stingerets dance squad and she will still get to hang out with her friends. This will be a new chapter in her young life.......corny, I know.


Jessica has been really upset all night....really depressed. She says that she messed up a part of the dance she had to perform. She thinks her jumps were okay and the cheer I think went pretty well. Now we just have to wait until tomorrow after school to find out if she made it. I'll post the news as soon as we find out.
It's the middle of the week. Wednesday. Hump Day. Whatever you call it, it means that tomorrow is Thursday and we're on our way to the weekend. We have a busy few days ahead of us. Tomorrow, Jessica will be trying out for the Varsity Cheerleading squad. She won't find out if she makes it until Friday after school. I will be there for her when she hears the news, either to cheer her on or to pick up the pieces. Let's hope it's not to pick up the pieces. I told her that we would either be going out for a victory dinner or a defeat dinner. Let's hope it's not a defeat dinner. :) Alyssa has a birthday party on Friday right after school and I'll pick her up after I get off from work. I will pick up Jessica and take her back to work with me. On Saturday, we have a wedding shower for Glenn's little brother, Clint and his wife-to-be, Lupe. We'll be going to Los Cucos to celebrate the shower. I can't wait to see the family. On a different note, I did ...

Parties and other stuff

Saturday, we celebrated the Feb and March birthdays at Mom and Dad's. The whole family was there and we all had a great time. I had to take Jess down to the Guadiano's so that she could ride with them to Kendel's party at the Downtown Aquarium. She got to sleep with the White Tigers in their exhibition area......separated by a glass partition, of course! She got some really cool pictures. I picked up Jess and the twins the next morning - bright and early. They were all really tired from staying up so late. Yum! Deviled Eggs.... Josh - Trying really hard to think Donna and Bri Alyssa and Ethan Ashley and Jess We checked out the nursery Sunday afternoon to see what kind of plants we want to put in the backyard. We can't do any planting until we get the fence replaced, which hopefully will be real soon. This afternoon, Jess had cheer practice. She has try-outs for Varsity Cheer on Thursday afternoon and will find out if she makes it on Friday afternoon......keep your fing...