And the Results Are In............

I had my bone marrow test on Friday March 20th and as of this morning I hadn't gotten any results back yet. I guess you could take that as no news is good news.......maybe? I figured that I just got forgotten. Dr. Faderl was out of town last week and I guess Brooke was just a little busy to call me back. I decided to call MD Anderson this morning and see what the results were. I heard back from Dr. Faderl this evening and he said that everything looked "perfect"! I can now breathe a sigh of relief. I was diagnosed with leukemia in June of 2007 and I guess you can say, "I've come a long way, baby!" Here are a few pictures from when I was first admitted to MD Anderson Hospital. I was scheduled to stay for a whole week for my induction phase of the chemo. I was admitted to MD Anderson's Hospital very late on a Friday night and I was doing so well on the chemo, that they released me by Wednesday morning.......of course, I had to take chemo for another 9 mont...