Today was a really beautiful day today and the girls and I got out and enjoyed it! Nana, the girls and I went to Old Town Spring for some shopping. We looked at mostly Christmas decorations and of course, stuff for the girls. They both took their money and so Alyssa bought herself a horse in a purse that makes horsie noises. (If anyone is looking for ideas for Alyssa for Christmas, then anything to do with horses will work) Jessica bought she and Alyssa some rock candy and I bought both of them some window gel clings for Christmas. They're really cute! After Old Town Spring, we took off to lunch at the TGI Friday's in the Woodlands, then to the Woodlands Mall for more shopping. Of course, we pretty much bought stuff just for the girls there, too. The good thing is that Jess bought 1/2 of her outfit so I wasn't out too very much money. We also found something for Nana that she was looking for, we bought Christmas stuff for Ethan and Ryan, and Nana bought some Christ...
Showing posts from November 2, 2008
Funtastic Friday!
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Nice title, but, well, I still got nothin'. Here's what I did today - I went to lunch with the J&G girls today to celebrate Michelle's birthday. We went to Uptown Park to eat at Cafe Express, then to Crave Cupcakes for the best cupcakes I've had in a long time. My kids thought so, too, since I brought some back for them. We cut them each in half so that we could share when we got to Nana's. They want to go back tomorrow to get some more, so we might go to the Galleria to shop, have lunch and then get cupcakes! Jessica was invited to join the BETA club at school. The only students invited to join are ones in the junior high that have a 90 or above over-all grade average. She had her first meeting after school today. The BETA clubs does service work and they usually take a trip to Dallas at the end of the school year. She is really looking forward to being in the BETA club. She is also going to do a dance routine with the cheer squad at the Downtown Aquarium ...
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When I started blogging every day for National Blog Posting Month, I figured it would be easy to write a few lines every day. Well, I think I am running out of things to say. Nothing exciting has happened today. I ordered Ethan one of the shepherd's hats from Oriental Trading Company. (Josh and Rox - tell him it will be at Nana's house sometime next week. He can be happy again) I also went ahead and ordered the candy for the kids goodie bags that they'll give out at school at Christmas. Wow! ......What an exciting day!
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I finally heard back from the doctor's office this morning and Alyssa has NO kidney problems! Yay! Her kidneys are all clear so I guess having the urinary tract infections so close together was just a fluke. We'll be keeping an eye on it from now on. I had a dentist's appointment this morning for the cleaning that I completely forgot about. I got a reminder call yesterday and had to tell the scheduler that I had completely forgotten about the appointment! I sure felt stupid. I even went back to my wallet to check to see if I had the appointment card that they usually give me, and guess what?? ......I found it. I AM stupid. Anyway, I went for my appointment and got my teeth all nice and shiny. I also had to fess up to the hole that was in the side of my tooth for the past few months. Dr. Perkins looked at it and said it didn't look all that bad and he didn't actually think it was a hole. It looked more like a chip that had gotten rough and my tongue had just found th...
Election Day.........It's almost over
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Today is Election Day. It's almost over and then I can breathe a *sigh* of relief. Actually, I'm really scared. I'm not particularly wild about either candidate. I guess my vote goes to who I can actually tolerate for the next four years.......which at this point would be neither. ..............And that's just plain SAD! Anyway, I cast my vote last week during early voting so now I just have to wait. *sigh* Still haven't heard from the doctor's office regarding Alyssa's test. I guess I'll have to call them and stir the pot a bit, but I'll have to wait until tomorrow 'cause it's too late to do it today. I have a dental appointment tomorrow that I completely forgot about. I guess I never wrote it on my calendar when I made it after my last appointment. Anyhow, I guess I'll have to fess up to having a tooth with a hole in the side of it but hopefully won't have to tell him how long I've had the tooth with the hole in
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This afternoon, I left work early so that I could pick the girls up from school to get Alyssa to her doctor's appointment. She was scheduled for her renal ultrasound at Texas Children's. We were given instructions to fill her up with up to 24 oz of fluid at least one hour before the appointment. Nothing with carbination and no milk. She was a little nervous but the technician was great and he put on a movie for her to watch while he did the ultrasound. He has already emailed the doctor's office with the pictures of her kidneys so now all we can do is wait for the phone call to tell us that everything is okay. I'll keep you posted.
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November is National Blog Posting Month, or NaBloPoMo for short. In keeping with the theme, I'm going to try to post on my blog every day for the next month.....except November 1st which I have already missed. I can't promise that it will be very interesting each day but just bear with me and hopefully some of it might be a little interesting.......or not.
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I can't believe that it is already November. They say that time flies, and I really believe it, especially the older I get. Alyssa is in the midst of making her Christmas list to Santa.......yes, I said Christmas list! She is pouring over toy catalogs, trying not to sound greedy.LOL Yesterday, Jessica cheered with her squad for the JV football game. They made it all the way to the Championship game but in the end, the Hornets got stung, not the other way around . We tied in the fourth quarter and went into over-time, where we lost. Glenn, Alyssa and I watched the game from the bleachers, fighting the bees off, literally! I don't know why they were so attracted to us, but I was getting fed up with them by the time we left. We didn't get home until almost 6:00 pm and then decided to go out to dinner at Texas Road House and then rent a movie. We watched "They Wait" and we had a couple of screaming moments. I had never heard of this movie, and it was actually better t...