I finally heard back from the doctor's office this morning and Alyssa has NO kidney problems! Yay! Her kidneys are all clear so I guess having the urinary tract infections so close together was just a fluke. We'll be keeping an eye on it from now on.
I had a dentist's appointment this morning for the cleaning that I completely forgot about. I got a reminder call yesterday and had to tell the scheduler that I had completely forgotten about the appointment! I sure felt stupid. I even went back to my wallet to check to see if I had the appointment card that they usually give me, and guess what?? ......I found it. I AM stupid.
Anyway, I went for my appointment and got my teeth all nice and shiny. I also had to fess up to the hole that was in the side of my tooth for the past few months. Dr. Perkins looked at it and said it didn't look all that bad and he didn't actually think it was a hole. It looked more like a chip that had gotten rough and my tongue had just found the spot so I was more aware of it. He filed it down and I am good to go. He also said that I need a night guard for my teeth so that I don't continue to grind and wear down my teeth so that they crack and break. I had the hardest time while they were making the mold......I was very embarrassed by my behavior. :( ............I think I was ready to claw that dental assistant's arm off to get that thing out of my mouth. I hope I never have to go through that again! Yuck!!
The third grade girls Christmas costumes have come in. They are all going to be the cutest shepherds in the school. See Alyssa in her shepherds head piece below........

Alyssa - The Shepherd
Glenn - The "I don't know what!"