Summer - Yeah Baby!
Well, Summer is well on it's way. The kids have been out for two weeks now and are really enjoying their non-school days at Nana's. Jess has taken her laptop and Alyssa has taken my laptop every day and have kept theirselves pretty much entertained. They have gone to the park to ride their Fusion scooters, Nana has taken them to our house to swim in the pool, they have gotten to visit with Brianna and they have enjoyed themselves thoroughly. Next week is horse riding camp out at the Circle Lake Ranch in Katy. They will learn all aspects of horses from how to groom, feed, ride and all the parts of the horse, bridle and saddle. On Friday, the family is invited to come out and watch what they have learned. I went ahead and took the day off and after camp, Alyssa has an orthodontists appointment to check on her expander. It seems like it is getting harder to turn these days so maybe it is actually making some progress in her mouth. It looks like she has more room now but sh...