Alyssa's Birthday!

Today is Alyssa's 8th birthday. We started out by waking up to NO electricity in the house. It didn't come back on until we were walking out of the door, so needless to say, I was pretty wilted by the time we left. I couldn't even see to do more than run a brush through my hair and apply some mascara. I met my Rosey Posey for lunch at school and we had Subway sandwiches and passed out cookies to celebrate. Alyssa and Maddy Holik joined us for lunch..........they are the cutest pair of sisters! They told me that their mom told them to tell me that they would be coming to the Luau party on Sunday, so I guess so far we have about 12 little girls and 4 big girls coming over.....It's going to be a BIG crowd!

Tonight, Alyssa has told me that she would like to have dinner at PF Chang's so that ought to be fun. Alyssa had her oral book report today. She was to dress as her character of her book which was Jess, the American girl. She looked really cute in her braids and dress with her bag slung over her shoulder and carrying her monkey. I think she was just glad that it was over!

Jess and Alyssa both have birthday parties to attend on Friday night around the same time frame but I was able to get a ride for Alyssa to her party by another mom at school. That just leaves Jess that I will need to get to the Laserquest place.

Sounds like another busy week!


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