We seem to have had quite a week around the Milner house. Jessica left for Galveston with her friends on Sunday at noon, missed us, and was back at our house by early Wednesday morning. (and do I mean early!) She showed up on the doorstep at 12:30 AM. Alyssa started feeling like she was getting a bladder infection on Sunday evening. A quick trip to the drugstore at 9:30 that night and then I doctored her up with Benedine and gave her Cranberry juice. She was feeling better on Monday but then on Tuesday morning started feeling bad again. Of course, I called the doctor and told them that she had a bladder infection and they wouldn't prescribe something until they saw her. .....................And they see her and guess what?? She has a bladder infection! Duh! So now we have medication and she is feeling MUCH better. Now, Glenn has come down with a rash which kept him up most of the night. He went to the doctor today and has to take medication to see if they can get rid of it. I am ready for this week to be over and everybody can get well!

Father's Day is Sunday, so the girls and I will have to come up with something special to do for "Daddy". I'll post more on that later.


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