What's New This Week?
Jessica started her first week of cheer camp on Tuesday. Only two hours each day for three days in a row, but she sure was sore by the end of Thursday night! By Friday, the muscles were feeling a little better. Check out the pictures of the new cheerleading outfit.........it's too cute!
Alyssa learned something new this week, too! ........She has learned to sew her dolls clothes. Nana took her to Joanne's for fabric and she has sewed several shirts and skirts for Elizabeth. Nana even showed her how to use the sewing machine. I think we have a future "Designer" here. See the picture of what she has sewn!
Next week is another week of cheer camp for Jessica but this time she'll go from 8:45 until 4:00 in the afternoon......I think she's going to be even more sore than this week. The week after next, both girls will be going to cheer camp at St. Pius, so I guess it will be 24/7 cheers for awhile.