Happy Holidays!!

The Gang

Alyssa, Skyler, Maggie and Nana

Donna, Katy and Jane

Lauren, Jess, Bri and Cailin

Christmas morning

Nana and Ryan
Glenn putting the race track together for Ethan

Josh - My "guitar" hero, *sigh*

We celebrated Christmas Eve at our house with family from both my side and Glenn's side. We had lots of food and drink and I hope everyone had a wonderful time - I know I did! We got to bed kind of late and never made it to Midnight Mass like we had wanted to do.

Christmas Day was spent at Donna's house. Brian is in Chicago so he missed out on the festivities and Donna and Bri are heading that way tomorrow afternoon. They'll be back on New Years Eve and we'll have dinner with them and Jane and Cailin when they return.


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