High Drama.......

I took Alyssa to the orthodontist on Tuesday afternoon. They took impressions of her teeth and have decided that both her top and bottom jaws are too small and this is why she hasn't lost more of her baby teeth. They just don't have room to come in. She will have to wear a permanent appliance on top and bottom to stretch out her pallete, which sounds painful to me, but which the orthodontist says won't hurt her. This will be considered "Phase I" and will widen her jaws so that all of her teeth will have enough room to grow in. When she's eleven, "Phase II" will be the real braces and straighten the teeth that have come in.

Jessica got back from her 2 day BETA trip to Dallas on Tuesday evening. She was very tired and quiet and I pretty much had to drag all of the information out of her. What I didn't find out from her, but from someone else, was that she ended up rooming with 2 seventh grade girls and a chaperone that she didn't know. My sister was there and told me that Jessica got that "look" on her face that said she wasn't taking this very well and she (my sister) tried to get the sponsors to change the rooms but they refused to do it. Another chaperone, whom Jessica knows really well, offered to take her into her room with two of Jessica's friends but they STILL refused. I was just a little angry (or maybe a lot angry) over this because I was under the impression that the sixth grade girls would room together, seventh grade together and eighth grade together. I also found out that all of the eighth graders were given special priveleges because they were in eighth grade and so they all got to be with their friends. I found out that many of Jessica's friends all got to room with their friends, but Jess didn't. I confronted the sponsors and was pretty much told that I had signed the permission slip that gave them the right to put her anywhere they wanted and I had no say in it. This is what really pissed me off. I sent an email to both sponsors and got that response from them. Really callus if you ask me. I was told that there were many other kids that got the same treatment but according to Jessica it was only she and two other sixth grade girls that got put into other rooms. They basically told me that if I didn't like it, then I could just chaperone next time to make sure that it didn't happen. I explained that I didn't have unlimited vacation time and with the kids getting such an abundance of days off from school, that I needed to divide my vacation up between those other days and couldn't afford to take off two days for a school trip. Hell! I haven't even ever gone on any of their field trips because I just don't have the extra time off. I have to pick and choose the time off. .....Not to mention that I have another child that would be left on her own if I left with the older one.

Anyway, because of all the drama, I started feeling really bad. Got a horrible headache that just pounded and wouldn't go away no matter how many advils I took. I took my blood pressure and it was 150/101, which now makes sense as to why my head was pounding. I was probably on the verge of having a stroke.....all due to the St. Ambrose BETA club. It really makes me want to discourage her from joining next year......I sure won't be signing any permission slips without making notations about what I am giving permission to.

My blood pressure is now down a little and I am feeling a little better. If I have a stroke, you know who to blame!


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