Father's Day, Glenn's Birthday & Lots of Sickies!
Last week was Father's Day, but Glenn had to work the MOD shift on Saturday until midnight. He had started feeling like he was getting sick on Friday, had to work the late shift on Saturday and then slept in on Father's Day but felt REALLY bad. We tried to make the best of it but he just felt crummy. He went to the doctor on Tuesday and the doctor said that he sounded like he might have pneumonia so he sent him over for some x-rays of his chest. The doctor's office finally called on Friday and told him he definitely had pneumonia and so they put him on antibiotics. In the meantime, I also caught a cough and because this is the contagious kind of pneumonia, I had to go to the doctor to see if the cough that I had was also pneumonia. He knew right off that I didn't but he did put me on the same antibiotic "just in case" and also to help get rid of the cough. I also had my monthly MD Anderson appointment on Friday and they took blood to run tests on the molecular level so I won't get those results back until this week sometime. Dr. Faderl said that he wanted me to come in for another couple of months until he cut me loose from my monthly appointments.

The girls decorated the dining room for Glenn's Birthday

Glenn opening his presents

Glenn and his Dad "blowing" out the candles
This past weekend was also Glenn's birthday party out at Little House. Of course, since Glenn was sick, he wasn't allowed to do anything but sit and rest......yeah, right!!
The girls got to have a sleepover at Aunt Vicki's and they had a marvelous time. Vicki kept them busy and they got to get up and feed the horses on Sunday morning and then they all got a bubble bath in the jacuzzi tub. They are ready for some more "Aunt Vicki time".

The kids with Pecos and Lily

Jessica driving the tractor

Jess, Lauren, and Alyssa in the horse trough

Fun in a horse trough
The girls decorated the dining room for Glenn's Birthday
Glenn opening his presents
Glenn and his Dad "blowing" out the candles
This past weekend was also Glenn's birthday party out at Little House. Of course, since Glenn was sick, he wasn't allowed to do anything but sit and rest......yeah, right!!
The girls got to have a sleepover at Aunt Vicki's and they had a marvelous time. Vicki kept them busy and they got to get up and feed the horses on Sunday morning and then they all got a bubble bath in the jacuzzi tub. They are ready for some more "Aunt Vicki time".
The kids with Pecos and Lily
Jessica driving the tractor
Jess, Lauren, and Alyssa in the horse trough
Fun in a horse trough