Summer Vacation - 2009

Jessica, Lauren and Alyssa at the beach

We just got back yesterday from our vacation in Galveston. We rented a beach house, well actually, Poppa rented a beach house for the whole family. We started out last Monday, the four of us plus my niece Lauren. We left the dogs at a boarding kennel - Thank Goodness - so that we wouldn't have to worry about them and to give me a more relaxing time. Tuesday we spent the day at the beach, which was only a block from the house and the kids got to get pulled around through the waves in the raft. On Wednesday, we spent the day with Glennie and Angela at Angela's condo so we got to go swimming in the pool and play putt putt golf which was at the condo site. Then we all went out to dinner at Tortugas for Mexican Food. On Thursday, we all went to Schlitterbahn but before the day was over, the dark clouds started rolling in and the thunder and lightening started up. We just made it to the car before the rain let loose. On Friday, we went to the strand to let the kids spend their money for a change. They got all sorts of souveniers and we stopped off at the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory for the chocolate covered cherries and peanut butter buckets. After that, we took the girls to the Rainforest Cafe for lunch......I think we did that in the wrong order, right?? Saturday was another day spent at the beach and believe it or not, THAT was the day I got burned. I was fine right up until the end. Actually, the only part of me that got really burned was my shins and the tops of my feet.
Fun in the Sun
Relaxing at the house
Alyssa, Jess and Lauren at the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory
Rainforest Cafe
I'm scheduled for a chemical peel on Saturday so I can get rid of all of the sun damage that I have done to my face - LOL.
It looks like school will be starting in about 3 weeks and the kids are not happy about that. Jessica has finished her summer reading books, but Alyssa still has the last half of her last book to go. She still has to do a book report summary on that one and then she'll be finished. I need to take the school supply list and start buying that plus the backpacks. I don't think I'm looking forward to another school year, either. Summer should be longer, don't ya think?


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