February Fun
We've had a really busy February, which is why I haven't had time to blog lately. Well, that, and the fact that I was sick for the first half of February might have contributed to the lack of blog time. As of my last post, I was going to make an appointment at the doctors office, which I did on Monday and after a breathing treatment and a chest x-ray was told that it was very bad bronchitis. I got a cortizone shot in the butt, was put on prednisone, antibiotics, symbicort, nasonex, and a rescue inhaler. I started to feel better, but by the next weekend I was having very bad pains in the bones of my hips and legs. So bad, that I ended up in the ER during the early morning hours of Sunday. Unfortunately, I waited for several hours without being seen and I ended up just going home and waiting it out until Monday when I had my next scheduled doctors appointment. I was sent for another x-ray of my legs, but when that didn't show anything, I was told that if the pain persisted after 2 weeks, I would need to have an MRI. Luckily, the pain went away and I am now back to 100%.
Many things went on during Catholic Schools week at St. Ambrose. The kids had college tshirt day, and 60's dress day.
Alyssa got her hair cut this month.....this is the "before picture".
.....and this is the "after" picture.
Hanging out with the horse.....Lily of course!
I don't think this needs any explanation
......and neither does this.
Mud boots were the order of the day, especially when playing baseball in a muddy yard.
On Valentines day, we spent a quiet evening at home and made dinner and ate by candlelight.....all 4 of us! The kids gave me a nice bamboo plant and a mini potted rose bush. The following weekend we celebrated Lauren's and my birthday out at Little House, then the following weekend after that, we celebrated my birthday along with Roxanne's and Nana's birthday at Donna's house. It's been a really busy February but I think it's going to be a really busy March, too. As a matter of fact, I think it's going to be a really busy April and May as well.
Yesterday was Go Texan Day - My two cowgirls.
Playing hopscotch in the driveway