Spring Break and other things
Last week was Spring Break for the kids and I took Thursday and Friday off from work. No plans off the top of my head, so I was open to ideas. We talked it over and decided we wanted to go to Galveston for an overnight stay. Talked my sister into going with us.....Thanks Donna! I'm probably crazy, but I told both of my girls that they could each invite one friend to go with us. The one thing I forgot about Spring Break week is that the traffic going to Galveston would be really awful. I didn't know the half of it! We hit stop and go traffic (off and on) all the way from our house down to the island and a 1 hour trip ended up taking 2 hours. Anyway, we got down to Galveston around 2 o'clock and we parked in the hotel parking lot and walked over to the beach area across the street. When Donna and Bri and Bri got there (no that's not a typo!), they met us down at the beach and we waited around until our room was ready for check in. We stayed at the Victorian Condos which I had booked online because it would allow us to put 5 people in a room......that was a BIG mistake. I won't go into detail, but just suffice it to say, we won't be staying there again. The kids swam in the heated pool that evening and then we went to Stewarts Beach on Friday. We made it back to Houston around 6:00 on Friday evening. It was a whirlwind trip, but it was really fun.
Saturday, we went to Skylar's 6th birthday party at Sweet and Sassy's in the Woodlands. I took my girls plus Lauren but they didn't participate in the dress up part. .....Just took pictures of the other kids. Lauren spent Saturday night with the girls and everyone had a great time.
My Dad had his surgery to remove a tumor off of his kidney on Thursday. He came through the whole thing very well. He'll be in the hospital for about 5 days and so I'll keep you updated on his progress.