Happy Thanksgiving!!
The carrots were a little limp but the horses didn't care!
Jessica feeding Penny a carrot - Penny's expecting a baby in the spring!
Alyssa feeding Pecos his grain
Alyssa and Jess with Lily
I know this is a day late, but I didn't have time to sit down with my computer yesterday..........so as they say, Better Late Than Never!
We had a great time out at "Little House". I brought green beans, mashed potatoes, and key lime pie (at my kids resquest) and everyone else brought lots of food, too.......it was all delicious!
Jess and Alyssa were a little bummed that Lauren and Brandon weren't going to be here this year but they made the best of it.......they made sure that I remembered to take the apples and carrots to feed Aunt Vicki's horses. I think the horses had as good a time as Jess and Alyssa! When the blue bag was empty, Lily kept trying to take it away from me thinking that there were still some treats in it. Next time, we'll bring more, at least for Penny and Lily. Pecos wasn't to excited about the treats. Vic says that he had never gotten treats in his former life and doesn't know what they actually are, or that they are actually quite good. Penny is expecting a foal in the spring. We're a little worried about Penny because she is about 26 or 27 years old.......a little old to be having a baby! We're watching her very closely to make sure she will be okay to deliver her baby.
I have promised Alyssa that in the spring, we will look into getting her some riding lessons. Vic's horses aren't ready yet to be ridden and they need some training so maybe they will be ready when Alyssa's ready.