My Little Saint!
On Monday, Alyssa got to dress up as the saint of her choice for school. We had a little bit of a rocky start when we got to school and her 3 friends had not dressed up. They were going to wait until later to put on their costumes so Alyssa yanked hers off so fast your head would have spun.
As I was leaving, I saw one of her friends coming up dressed in her costume so I asked her and her mom to go in and talk some sense into the girls........which they did.......Thanks Michelle!
.......Soooooo, Alyssa dressed up as St. Lucia (St. Lucy). She is the patron saint of people with blindness. She wore a crown of candles and carried a plate of eyes. They had a parade along with the Pre-K who dressed up as indians. On Tuesday, the 3rd grade had a "feast" and dressed up in indian costumes that they made the day before. They had a very fun, very short week.
Jessica still had tests this week and so she didn't have such a fun week. :0(
But whether or not she had fun, both kids get the next 5 days off as do Glenn and I. We are really looking forward to our loooooooong holiday!