I know that I haven't blogged AT ALL this week, but really, REALLY nothing noteworthy has happened! I promise this weekend to have something interesting to write about. We have a 3 day weekend coming up and we have 2 birthday parties to attend, so if nothing else, I'll have some pictures to post. AND for some reason, the "m" on my keyboard is skipping and I keep having to go backwards and retype my "m's". Anyone have any idea why that's happening? I think I need one of those blower thingy's because aybe soething is under it? See how it drops the m's? Just for your information, I had to hit the m's twice to make them show up.
Today was picture day at school for the girls. I took Alyssa to get her hair cut yesterday so that it would look nice for today. Jessica had hers cut a couple of weeks ago and it still looked rather good. I put foam curlers in Alyssa's hair last night and she had big fat curls in her hair this morning. I hope the pictures turn out nice. The photographer took one of both girls together and I think that one should turn out really cute. I still need to make Alyssa a follow-up appointment at the doctor for her UTI. She finished her antibiotics on Sunday so it's time to be retested. I just found out that Jessica's football game tomorrow was canceled so hopefully I can get the appointment for tomorrow after school. Jessica is due for her 3rd Guardasil shot and both are due for their flu shots. I don't think they'll be very happy about that.