It's been a horrible, horrible, horrible Monday.......did I mention that it was horrible??
Well, maybe horrible is too strong of a word. Let's just say it was bad.....really bad. I woke up during the night and couldn't go back to sleep. Glenn's cell phone had a low battery and when it has a low battery, it emits a loud piercing sound every 5 minutes or so. I kept hearing that stupid phone downstairs beeping and no one (meaning Glenn :)) would go downstairs and turn it off. I also heard his truck alarm chirping sometime around 4:00 am and when I asked if it was his, I got - It does that when it's cold. Hopefully, tonight will be a better nights sleep.

Needless to say, I had a really hard time staying awake today and that made the day seem really long. Jessica had to cheer at the basketball game after school so we had to hang around until it was over at 5:30. When we got home, I started my chicken parmesan but then Glenn got home just a little bit earlier than usual and puts a kink into my schedule. You see, I have usually finished with dinner by the time that Glenn gets home so all he has to do is eat. Since he made it home BEFORE dinner was finished cooking, he has to put his 2 cents in about, why am I doing this or why am I doing that. Now I'm trying to get Alyssa to go upstairs to brush her teeth and she's not cooperating. I am SO ready for this day to be over!


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