Ahhhhh......the relaxing days of Summer! We have really been enjoying our Summer Vacation.......well at least the kids have been enjoying theirs. I still have to work - BUT because they don't have to get to school early, we've been able to sleep in a little longer. Alyssa went to GS Camp at Agnes Arnold for the Short & Sweet session. She and her friend, Abigail, wer there for Sunday through Tuesday and I think they both had a blast. While Alyssa did her thang at camp, Jessica was signed up for the Snapshots acting session at the Cypress Academy of Performing Arts. She did really great, but I am still waiting on my email with the video showing off her acting skills. We had a Father's Day party for all of the Father's on the Saturday before Father's Day and then on June 26th, we celebrated Glenn's 46th birthday with a quiet celebration at home. A week later, we celebrated it at Little House with the family. The kids played peach ball which consists of hitting ...