Starting Off With A Bang!

It seems like we dove right into the start of the school year head-first.

We have already had a lot of homework, tests, dance practices, spirit week, football games to dance for at SAS, open house at Jersey Village, Meet the Hornets night, attended Grease-The Musical at JV, and Parent/Teacher Conferences are coming up at both schools - just to name a few of our activities.

And, might I add, that Jessica was asked to the Homecoming dance and we were out shopping for a dress this weekend. We found a beautiful one!

Homecoming Dress

Spirit Week - Crazy Hair Day

This might be Dancing???

Getting Ready to Watch Some TEXAN FOOTBALL

Meet the Hornets Night

Stingeretts Performing at an SAS Football Game

Texas has been plagued by one of it's worst droughts in history. We've had many wild fires pop up all around us but I think our wonderful firefighters have contained most of them. I've been trying to do my part to help our little feathered friends by providing water. We've had a few rain showers over the past month but not enough to make a dent in our rainfall measurements.

Lightening Storm


You Lookin' At Me????


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