Duty Calls!

The kids were off on Spring Break a couple of weeks ago. I took off that Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday so that we could do something fun. We went to the rodeo to see TBP and then on to Galveston.

We got burned to a crisp.

The weather was just so nice that we didn't think to put on sunscreen.

I know.....Really stupid.

I had also received a jury summons to apear at the court house on the following Monday.

No problem, right? I just waltz right in, do my "thang" and waltz right on back out.


I was selected for a felony murder trial and spent 6 days as a juror in court. This was a Harris County District Court presided over by Hon. Judge Ruben Guerrero.

A couple of things stuck with me after going through the whole trial jury process.

One, it was a great experience and not anything like I thought it would be.

Two, I hope I never have to do it again.

The whole thing was very emotionally disturbing for me. The way I feel, it's not up to me to judge someone else for their actions. To do so puts me in a position that I'm not comfortable with.

Do I believe he was guilty?? ....Yes.

Do I feel like it's up to me to put a value on someone's life by coming up with a set of numbers to put another person away for? ...No.

Even feeling this way, I still thought the whole process was interesting. Each witness we saw had something to offer towards the end result. The CSU officer April Palatino, the firearms specialist, and I have to give especially high praise to Sergeant Bobby Roberts (HPD) because he had such patience with the defendent during his questioning after his arrest.

I'm trying to get back to normal. Getting closer every day. I'm still having dreams about being in court. Not nightmares, but still dreaming about it all the same.

Maybe not tonight....I have other fish to fry. SAS strikes again. Cheerleader try-outs were yesterday. The list was emailed today. Damage Control.


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