We finished up the bedroom today and it looks great, if I do say so myself. Glenn, the girls, and I went out to this afternoon to see if we could find anything to hang on the walls that would look nice with the color scheme. We found a couple of pictures at Kohls that I thought would look nice and they looked even better than I even thought they would. Check out the pic.

This morning, Alyssa "freed" the meal worms into the backyard. She really wasn't too enthusiastic about letting them go............she was afraid that her "babies" would not survive and that she would miss them. Hopefully, they burrowed down into the dirt and they'll be just fine.
I saw a couple of blogs recently that showed "a day in the life" of the person creating the blog. Both bloggers took pictures of themselves during a 24 hour period and posted them on their blogs to show what happened during a normal day. I thought this was a really great idea and I will eventually do this. Jessica stole the idea from me and has already started taking pictures of herself doing what she does best.......just being Jess! I think she will probably post hers on her blog really soon. Her blog address is........ http://www.jessielayne1997.blogspot.com ....check it out.


Anonymous said…
Hey Shelly! Yes you are right I am having more time to blog so thanks for noticing! How are you doing? Your girls are just as beautiful as they are sweet! My girls are going to be two years old! I just can't believe it...as you know time just flys by! Take care.

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